Monday, December 1, 2008

NL 111-113

This project is placed in Av. Nuevo Leon in the hip neighborhood of La Condesa,in Mexico City. The area in which it stands is protected by local and federal authorities for its architectural value, so we tried tomake a design that would not compete with its surroundings, exposing one of its sides to a street with smaller buildings. The complex is formed by two bodies, one to the front, living into the great trees which form the avenue, with two floored apartments,the second building is formed by one floor apartments which live towards a central plaza where a dialog develops between both buildings.

Works H+S 2003-2007

NL 111-113
Av. Nuevo León 111-113
Col. Condesa, Cuauhtemoc México D.F.

Arch. Javier Sánchez Corral - Arch. Isaac Broid Zajman

Project Director: Rodrigo Langarica Avila

Collaborators: Reynaldo Esperanza-Lenin Garcia-Alfredo Hernandez-Jorge Lopez de Obeso-Tomas Moreiras-Raul Perez
Renders: Lenin Garcia-Milton Duran

Higuera + Sanchez

Isaac Broid

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